

ReFramed supports conversion of its models from and to CobraPy models. This allows users to take full advantage of all the features present in both packages.

You can load a model in ReFramed and simulate it with CobraPy:

> from reframed import load_cbmodel, to_cobrapy

> rf_model = load_cbmodel("e_coli_core.xml")
> cb_model = to_cobrapy(rf_model)
> cb_model.optimize()

Optimal solution with objective value 0.874

You can load a model with CobraPy and simulate it with ReFramed:

> from import read_sbml_model
> from reframed import from_cobrapy, FBA

> cb_model = read_sbml_model("e_coli_core.xml")
> rf_model = from_cobrapy(cb_model)
> FBA(rf_model)

Objective: 0.8739215069684306
Status: Optimal


If you are using Jupyter notebooks, you can easily visualize flux distributions using Escher.

The following will start the Escher widget inside a Jupyter notebook cell:

> from reframed import fluxes2escher
> sol = pFBA(model)
> fluxes2escher(sol.values)

You can also specify which Escher map to use and send additional arguments directly to the Escher API:

> fluxes2escher(sol.values, map_name='e_coli_core.Core metabolism')

> fluxes2escher(sol.values, hide_secondary_metabolites=True)